This plug-in adds a dialog box interface to provide easy access to AutoCAD 2012’s Array creation features.
Getting Started

Displays the ClassicArray dialog. This provides access to all three types of array, and much of the interface is common to all types. These common interface elements are shown and described below. The interface options specific to Rectangular, Polar and Path arrays are described in the sections for the ClassicArrayRect, ClassicArrayPolar and ClassicArraypAth commands.
Topic | Description |
Array Type: | Use the radio buttons at the top to choose from the available array types (Rectangular, Polar and Path). |
Base point: Set to object’s default: | If this toggle is turned on, AutoCAD automatically uses the selected objects to calculate a base point for the array. If it is turned off, you can chosse a base point. The base point has an effect on the resultant array, particularly for associative arrays and especially for polar and path arrays. See the AutoCAD Array command documentation for more details. |
Base point: X, Y and Z: | These edit boxes define the location of the array base point, if the default is not used. |
B <: | Clicking this button allows you to pick the array base point; the X, Y and Z values of that point will be placed in the base point edit boxes. |
Create as associative array: | This toggle determines whether the array is created as a single associative array object (like a dynamic block), or as individual objects (as was the case with all arrays prior to AutoCAD 2012). This toggle is on by default, except when ClassicArray commands ending in N are used, when it will be off by default. Whatever command invokes the dialog, this toggle can be used to change the type of array created. |
Retain original objects: | If this toggle is turned on, the selected objects are retained, in addition to the associative array or arrayed objects. Depending on the array type and options used, turning on this toggle can result in objects being drawn on top of each other. |
Select Objects <: | Clicking this button hides the dialog while you are propmted to select objects to array. If you selected objects before invoking the command, there is no need to do this again. The number of objects selected to be arrayed is displayed below this button. If you change your mind about which objects to array, just click the button again. |
In-dialog preview: | The square containing graphics gives an indication of the nature of the finished array. It will usually automatically update when moving around the dialog. If it does not, pressing [Enter] or clicking on the preview itself will force an update. |
OK: | This button checks and saves the settings, dismisses the dialog and creates the array. It is only available if objects have been selected. |
Cancel: | Dismisses the dialog. If a preview array has previously been drawn, it will be removed. |
Preview <: | Identical to the OK button, except that instead of ending the command after the array is drawn, it gives you the opportunity to review and either accept or reject the array. If the array is rejected, the dialog is invoked again so you can modify the settings before previewing again or clicking OK. Because of a long-standing bug in the AutoCAD API, it is not feasible to check for [Esc] in the way the Array command did in previous releases. Instead, the command checks for the nearby [`] and [Tab] keys. You may prefer to use the left and right mouse buttons instead. |
About: | Displays a small dialog with ClassicArray version information. Equivalent to the ClassicArrayAbout command. |
Help: | Displays ClassicArray Help (i.e. this page). Equivalent to the ClassicArrayHelp command. |

Displays the ClassicArray dialog in Rectangular mode. The common interface elements are shown and described above in the section for the ClassicArray command. The interface options specific to Rectangular mode are described below.
Topic | Description |
Column count: | The number of array columns (items counted in a left-to-right direction). Must be an integer, 1 or greater. Note that the order of Column and Row in ClassicArray is reversed when compared with the Array command in AutoCAD prior to 2012. This is to provide a more logical and conventional X, Y, Z order for Column, Row, and Level. |
Column offset: | Incremental distance between array columns (i.e. the distance from a given point on one item to the equivalent point on the next column’s item. A negative distance can be provided to draw the array from right to left. |
X <: | Clicking this button allows you to pick any two points; the total distance between the points (not just the X distance) will be placed in the column offset edit box. |
XY <: | Clicking this button allows you to pick any two points at opposite corners of a rectangle; the X distance between the points will be placed in the column offset edit box and the Y distance between the points will be placed in the row offset edit box. |
Row count: | The number of array rows (items counted in a plan-view down-to-up direction). Must be an integer, 1 or greater. |
Row offset: | Incremental distance between array rows. A negative distance can be provided to draw the array from up to down. |
Y <: | Clicking this button allows you to pick any two points; the total distance between the points (not just the Y distance) will be placed in the row offset edit box. |
Level count: | Levels allow the creation of 3D arrays. The level count is the number of array levels (items counted in a 3D low-to-high direction). Must be an integer, 1 or greater. |
Level offset: | Incremental distance between array levels. A negative distance can be provided to draw the array from 3D high to 3D low. |
Z <: | Clicking this button allows you to pick any two points; the total distance between the points (not just the Z distance) will be placed in the level offset edit box. |
Angle: | The angle of the array. Using this option, you can draw an array at an angle without changing the UCS or SNAPBASE. |
A <: | Clicking this button allows you to pick two points; the angle between the points will be placed in the angle edit box. |

Displays the ClassicArray dialog in Polar mode. The common interface elements are shown and described above in the section for the ClassicArray command. The interface options specific to Polar mode are described below.
Topic | Description |
Center point X and Y: | This is the point about which the objects are rotated in order to create the polar array. The default values are derived from the last point drawn. |
C <: | Clicking this button will prompt you to pick a center point; the X and Y values from that point will be placed in the center point edit boxes. |
Method: | Use this popup list to choose the way in which you intend to define the polar array. The appropriate interface elements below the list are then made available for modification. |
Total number of items: | This specifies the total number of items in the array, including the original. |
Angle to fill: | The total included angle to fill. |
AF <: | Clicking this button will prompt you to pick two points; the angle defined by the points will be placed in the angle to fill edit box. |
Angle between items: | The included angle between one item and the next in the array. |
AF <: | Clicking this button will prompt you to pick two points; the angle defined by the points will be placed in the angle between items edit box. |
Rotate items as copied: | This toggle determines whether the objects are to be rotated to match their position in the array or left at their original orientation. |
Array clockwise: | By default, objects in AutoCAD are arrayed in a counter-clockwise direction. Turning on this toggle will force them to be arrayed in a clockwise direction instead. |
Levels: | Levels allow the creation of 3D cylindrical arrays. The level count is the number of array levels (items counted in a 3D low-to-high direction). Must be an integer, 1 or greater. |
Offset: | Incremental distance between cylindrical array levels. A negative distance can be provided to draw the array from 3D high to 3D low. |
Z <: | Clicking this button allows you to pick any two points; the total distance between the points (not just the Z distance) will be placed in the level offset edit box. |

Displays the ClassicArray dialog in Path mode. The common interface elements are shown and described above in the section for the ClassicArray command. The interface options specific to Path mode are described below.
Topic | Description |
Select Path <: | When using the Path option, a command-line prompt is issued, asking you to select a path object. If you press [Enter], no path object will be selected. You can use this button to select a path, or replace the existing path selection with a different one. When a path is selected, the object type and length of the path are displayed to the left of this button. |
Method: | Use this popup list to choose the way in which you intend to define the path array. The appropriate interface elements below the list are then made available for modification. |
Number of items: | This specifies the total number of items in the path array, including the original. |
Distance between items: | Incremental distance between array items (i.e. the distance along the path from a given point on one item to the equivalent point on the next item. |
D <: | Clicking this button allows you to pick any two points; the total distance between the points will be placed in the distance between items edit box. |
Distance to fill: | Total distance to fill along the path. |
T <: | Clicking this button allows you to pick any two points; the total distance between the points will be placed in the distance to fill edit box. |
Align to path: | Turning on this toggle will arrange the arrayed objects such that they are tangential to the selected path. |
Maintain Z direction: | Turning on this toggle will maintain the original Z direction of the items. If it is turned off, AutoCAD will naturally bank the items along a 3D path. |
Levels: | Levels allow the creation of 3D path arrays. The level count is the number of array levels (items counted in a 3D low-to-high direction). Must be an integer, 1 or greater. |
Offset: | Incremental distance between 3D path array levels. A negative distance can be provided to draw the array from 3D high to 3D low. |
Z <: | Clicking this button allows you to pick any two points; the total distance between the points (not just the Z distance) will be placed in the level offset edit box. |
Installation and Uninstallation
The setup routine will install the plug-in even while AutoCAD is running. However, you may need to restart AutoCAD to activate it.
To uninstall this plug-in, use Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features (Windows Vista or 7) or Add/Remove Programs (Windows XP), just as you would uninstall any other application from your system. The panels on the Plug-ins Ribbon tab will disappear until AutoCAD is restarted.
If you uninstall and later reinstall any plug-in (including ClassicArray), AutoCAD may get confused and not display the CUIx user interface elements (e.g. Ribbon tabs). If this occurs, the simplest way to resolve the problem is to manually unload the ClassicArray partial CUIx file. To do this, enter the CUI command and scroll down in the top left pane until you can see the Partial Customization Files item. Click on the [+] box and you should see the item CLASSICARRAY (Unresolved). Right-click on this item, then click Unload CLASSICARRAY.CUIX.
Once you have unloaded this, click on OK to exit the CUI command. Close and restart AutoCAD, and the ClassicArray partial CUIx file will be automatically reloaded.
Additional Information
The setup routine adds two Ribbon panels to the Plug-ins tab:
One panel is for associative arrays, the other for non-associative arrays. Typically, you would need only one of these. To turn off the unwanted panel, right-click on the Ribbon, click on Show Panels, then uncheck the one you don’t need.
Two toolbars are also provided; a standard one, and one for the non-associative versions of the commands. These are turned off by default. If you’re a toolbar user and want to turn on a ClassicArray toolbar, right-click on a blank gray area of the toolbar area, click CLASSICARRAY, then check the toolbar you want to turn on.
Known Issues
It is currently possible to select an object as the path for an array when that has also been selected as one of the objects to array. In such cases, the AutoCAD will get confused by the command sequence passed to it by ClassicArray, and no array will be created.
If you install ClassicArray for the current user, then later uninstall it and install it for all users (or vice-versa), AutoCAD will not display the CUIx user interface elements (e.g. Ribbon tabs). To resolve this problem, unload the ClassicArray CUIx file as described in the Install/Uninstall section above.
cad nauseam is the business of Steve Johnson, who has been providing AutoCAD specialist services since 1985. Please visit our website to find out more, and for contact information.
Support Information
Please visit the cad nauseam website or email us for support or to submit feedback.